Beef Stroganoff, created in Russia, has been around over a hundred years. Due to the popularity of this dish, there have been many renditions around the world. In the United States, the version, often prepared in restaurants, consists of strips of beef filet with mushroom, onion, and a sour cream sauce. It’s generally served over rice or noodles. Jamie Oliver’s vegetable version follows the US rendition, but without the beef.
The mushroom Stroganoff recipe shows up in Jamie Oliver’s new cookbook, Ultimate Veg: Easy and Delicious Meals for Everyone. I listened to his radio interview on WNYC about his new book and was excited about his approach to veggies. The book is filled with veggies dishes, like the mushroom Stroganoff — feel-good food in ways which break down barriers and normalize good food without meat.
Select a popular classic dish, adapt and — make it healthy. Isn’t it the direction we resolve to go in 2020? In addition, the key ingredients: cornichons, capers, pickled onion and a creamy sauce will invariably impart great flavor. At the same time, these ingredients are reminiscent of, guess what — the Russian dressing. Is that a coincidence? No matter what, I like where the mushroom Stroganoff is heading.
Mise en place is critical to a smooth execution of the recipe. Next, dry fry the mushrooms in a large pan under medium-high heat for 5 minutes. Considering that it is not the approach I normally take, now I have to unlearn the ever-present oil in the pan. Rather, just let the mushrooms cook on their own without the oil to naturally bring out their nutty flavor.
After about 5-minute, as the mushrooms char slightly, drizzle in 1 tablespoon of oil. Next add the garlic, onions, cornichons, parsley and capers. Then comes the fun part: flambé while pouring in spoonfuls of whisky or something similar. Finally, make the creamy sauce. Instead of using crème fraîche, I substitute with the traditional sour cream which works well.
Jamie Oliver’s youtube video on how to make the mushroom Stroganoff can be found here. It’s a short video demonstrating the technique on dry frying (no more greasy mushrooms) and making the cream sauce.

It’s hard to believe but the evidence is quite overwhelming. By all accounts, the veggie version of the traditional stroganoff is every bit as flavorful and full of umami; you won’t be missing the meat. Give it a try!
Mushroom Stroganoff
- 400 g mixed mushrooms
- 1 red onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 4 pickled onions
- 2 cornichons
- 4 sprigs of fresh flat-leaf parsley
- olive oil
- 1 tablespoon baby capers
- 50 ml whisky
- smoked paprika
- 80 g half-fat crème fraîche/ sour cream/ yogurt
Get all the prep done before you start cooking: trim the mushrooms, tearing up any larger ones and leaving any smaller ones whole, peel and finely slice the red onion and garlic, and finely slice the pickled onions and cornichons. Pick and roughly chop the parsley leaves, finely chopping the stalks.
Place a large non-stick frying pan over a high heat, throw in the mushrooms and red onions, shake into one layer, then dry-fry for 5 minutes (this will bring out the nutty flavour), stirring regularly. Drizzle in 1 tablespoon of oil, then add the garlic, pickled onions, cornichons, parsley stalks and capers. After 3 minutes, pour in the whisky, tilt the pan to carefully flame, or light with a long match (watch your eyebrows!), and, once the flames subside, add ¼ of a teaspoon of paprika, the crème fraîche and parsley, then toss together. Loosen with a splash of boiling water to a saucy consistency, and season to taste with sea salt and black pepper.
Divide between plates, sprinkle over a little paprika, and serve with fluffy rice.
Kim Tracy
February 2, 2020 at 11:56 amI’ve been watching some of his new recipes from the Veg book on youtube and have been intrigued. I think the dry fry method for mushrooms is genius since they are known for soaking up oil. This looks so savory and delicious. Who needs the beef!
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